“You are the most adventurous person I know!” I stared at the chat window for a minute, wondering if the new year meant old age and poor eyesight. But as I laughed away the comment, and chatted with my colleague,…
Also read: Angkor Wat – A story in images (Part 1) Cambodia Part 1 Cambodia Part 2 Read more […]
To start off, I am not an Airbnb expert. But I am an Airbnb believer. How so? Here are my reasons for believing in Airbnb, and using it. 1. The Price This is the most obvious one. B&Bs are most…
In my generation, if you were not hungry, you were happy. Today’s generation finds it more difficult. Before you dismiss it as the jaded, lazy, and uninspired comment from an unambitious old man, you have to get a bit more…
My dearest mountains, So I can’t deny it really. I did have a fling with the sun, sand and the sea. I have to admit – it was exhilarating! If we have to be honest, then let’s put it all…
“Let me out!!! Let me out NOW!!!! NOW I said! Stop this car!! Open this door!” Okay, this is not a rape scene from a Bollywood movie. That’s actually me screaming and yelling and weeping, well almost. Before anybody…